6 Reasons Why Customer Choose Medklinn O3 Hydro System
Indoor Environmental Issues
Innovating Your Hygiene Practices to Achieve Better Customer Experience and Higher Productivity
Learn how Cerafusion™ Technology can help in reducing the risk of cross infections indoor from Prof. Dr. Gunnar Grün of Fraunhofer Institute Germany & related topics from ventilation specialists of ASHRAE Malaysia Chapter (MASHRAE) and The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM).
Results of Viral Load Reduction Using Ventilation With Other Technologies
• Air purification methods such as Cerafusion Technology is effective as a supplemental method to achieve higher hygiene standards.
• Cerafusion Technology is able to inactivate 99.97% of aerosolized corona-surrogate-viruses within the typical cinema seat distance of 1.3m.
• Cerafusion Technology is effective in reducing the risk of transmission in enclosed halls where large numbers of people congregate.
• Further test indicates that low ozone concentrations produces no critical by-products and falls under the hygienically harmless category in TVOC, making it safe for use in the presence of people.
A Critical Review of the Effectiveness of Current Airborne Transmission Solutions and Assessing Resiliency Post Covid-19
• The Epidemic Task Force (ETP) of ASHRAE Malaysia Chapter (MASHRAE) includes Ozonation: Cerafusion sterilization technology as one of the solution to combat airborne transmission.
• Cerafusion Technology was verified as the most effective IAQ solution in terms of Sound science, R&D results, 3rd party test, Independent 3rd party verification, Proven applications and Energy efficiency.
• Based on the Post-pandemic IAQ recommendations, Cerafusion is rated as “Good to have” for home, office, mall, healthcare and industrial.
MASHRAE’s MVC Software Tool & Air Quality Measurement Protocols
• The MVC tool was developed for users of a variety of premises to determine optimal equivalent ventilation solutions and strategies to meet the prescribed ventilation rate of 10 L/s per person served by both Centralized and Non-centralized Air-conditioning Systems for mitigating airborne transmission.
• If one were to use the MVC Calculator, it clearly demonstrates that Cerafusion technology is a highly cost-effective methodology to achieve the prescribed ventilation rate as it provides the highest efficiency in viral load reduction.
Application of Cerafusion™ Technology
• Scientifically tested and proven not just in laboratory, but in the real-world environment by independent institutions such as Fraunhofer Institute Germany and HygCen Germany.
• Utilize low level ozone concentration of 0.05 ppm ambient that complies with WHO and DOSH, international health & safety guidelines. Safe to use in the presence of human beings.
• Has anti-microbial property to disinfect the indoor air + surfaces, eliminating up to 99.9% of airborne and surface-bound pollutants such as viruses, bacteria, allergens, mould and bad smell.
• Sustainable and Chemical Free.
• Deployed internationally across Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America.
An Overview of Prevailing Applied Practices & Solutions to Mitigate Airborne Transmission
• Air cleaning system is recommended in Malaysia and worldwide by health and safety organizations to improve and ensure good indoor ventilation as well as help to mitigate disease transmission.
• Ozonation: Cerafusion technology is categorized as the standard measure for air disinfection and surface disinfection to address transmission of infectious aerosols.
Nature creates active oxygen to eliminate pollutants and clean the environment. Medklinn emulates nature with the innovative Cerafusion sterilization technology which provides the highest level of hygiene and safety continuously 24/7 without the use of chemicals. Cerafusion Technology sterilizes indoor environments by eliminating indoor pollutants, viruses, bacteria, mould and unpleasant odour.
Learn more about the CineCov study by Fraunhofer Institute.
5 Reasons Why Customers Choose Cerafusion™ Technology
Click here for Air+Surface Sterilization Fact Sheet
Webinar Q&A Session
By Prof. Dr. Gunnar Grün
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Typically, the threshold limit is the threshold set so that we don’t get irritation by ozone for human beings.
We initiated this additional small laboratory study which showed VOCs emitted from persons in that case, because we were looking at crowded spaces and it shows even at this level, the formed by-products were below all the occupational and safety levels which we typically have.
So, it was safe to operate at these low levels of ozone. Also, with respect of the produced by-products in an artificial setting with high levels of VOCs production.
If you buy an air cleaning device, you should look if the producer tested the device whether it produces considerable amounts of ozone.
It’s not a problem if they do produce ozone as long as the level remains low enough.
The only way to know that not too much ozone is present in your air is to monitor it. Without monitoring, you never know how much ozone you have in your air. Hence, you need to consider if the air purification device produces ozone and if so, you should monitor ozone.
Yes. In the case of Cerafusion, the activation oxygen was quicker than the upper UVC, which was also natural because the activated oxygen is present in all the room areas, while the upper air UVC is just above your head because human being should not be exposed to the UVC. Hence, all the small viruses need to travel into the UVC zone. However, in the activated oxygen case with Cerafusion, it’s present everywhere, so it’s also quicker.
By Daniel Lu
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To give an example, for large space with multiple rooms of different sizes, you need to consider several factors. You should look at the airflow distribution and understand where the supplies are coming in and where the air returns, as well as the overall layout of the space. The technology applied here is Cerafusion distributed system, similar to what was being used in the study by Professor Gunnar in the cinema.
The nozzle will be placed on ceiling based on the coverage area in multiple strategic location wherein the active oxygen is then released from the nozzle to ensure equal distribution to the entire space. There is also a monitoring system which is being monitored in different locations. Thus, there are different methodology used, but in general, that’s how Cerafusion technology is implemented in large spaces with multiple rooms of different sizes and different air circulation or air movement.
In terms of budgetary price, there are specific issues that needs to be tackled. For example, to treat a smoking room versus a standard room of an equal size, the budgetary cost differs.
Perhaps very simply, if you buy a portable air purifier, you know that it’s for a space within your house. For Cerafusion Air+Surface sterilizer, the budgetary cost is around RM1,000 for a 450 sq. ft space in a household environment.
While for the office space, the budgetary cost is higher costly as it is very much dependant on the coverage area.
Many implementations were done using Medklinn Cerafusion technology and results showed that it is much more cost-effective at a larger space. We have done a comparison using the MVC tool and can confidently say that the price for Cerafusion technology is much more cost-effective compared to the other technologies. The MVC (MASHRAE Ventilation Calculator) is a very good tool to use as it gives a non-biased method of working out the budgetary price and do a cost comparison.
Firstly, it is not recommended. In the context of compliances, we need to make sure that it is used appropriately and within the safety limit. This is a very important factor to consider.
You don’t use a large capacity device in a small space room unless there is a specific purpose. For example, if it is for a treatment purpose and without human presence, then it is applicable. Hence, it’s very important to understand how to use the technology in an appropriate environment, especially a solution that must comply with safety.
It’s not just about the UV dosage, but you need to consider the contact time. These two parameters are very important to determine whether it has sufficient dosage to kill the viruses.
They are several research studies which showed that devices out in the market do not have sufficient UV dosage and contact time to kill the viruses. Thus, it’s important to understand the data properly as it helps to make the decision. As well, you can use the ventilation calculator to determine the efficiency of the UV.
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